XVIII Forum for Linguistic Sharing
The Young Researchers Group of CLUNL is pleased to announce that the XIX Forum for Linguistic Sharing will take place on April 19 and 20, 2024. Just like in the previous edition, the XVIII Forum will be held in hybrid format (onsite and online).
The XIX Forum for Linguistic Sharing aims to provide young researchers with a space to present and discuss their work with their peers.
Just like in last year’s edition, besides oral presentations, we extend our call to undergraduate students, who are welcome to submit posters.
Oral presentations format will have the opportunity to be published in a special number of the Journal of the Center of Linguistics of the NOVA University of Lisbon.
Furthermore, the works with the best assessment will be eligible for receiving the following awards:
- Oral presentations: CAIDI Award – Best Linguistic Sharing, worth 150 EUR and the guarantee of publishing in the special number of the Journal of the Center of Linguistics of the NOVA University of Lisbon (not excluding peer review).
- Posters: CAIDI Award – Best Poster Presentation, worth 100 EUR.
Check the regulations for the CAIDI Award here.
Oral presentation: We invite all students and researchers without a PhD working in the field of Linguistics to submit abstracts for presentation on the various domains of Linguistics.
Poster: We invite all undergraduate students working in the field of Linguistics to submit abstracts for poster presentations across various subdomains of Linguistics.
Linguistic areas
The abstracts should fit into one of the following subfields of Linguistics:
- Language acquisition
- Phonology
- Lexicography
- Lexicology
- Text and discourse linguistics
- Educational linguistics
- Historical linguistics
- Morphology
- Psycholinguistics
- Pragmatics
- Semantics
- Syntax
- Sociolinguistics
- Terminology
Submission guidelines
- Each author/co-author may only submit one abstract.
- Abstracts should be submitted in PDF format until December 27, 2024 via the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSczkC5adGJ_eJgeLLu0TXf2P1UOzvWAqQddPAmg6w2P9MWkzw/viewform
- The submitted PDF file should not contain any element that can identify the author(s), such as name and affiliation. In case of self-references, replace them with “XXX” both in in-text citations and in footnotes.
- The abstract text must have up to one page with 2.54cm (1in) margins, Times New Roman font size 12, justified, single spacing. The study’s title must come on the top of the page in bold and centered. Bibliographical references (between 3 and 10) must follow the APA’s guidelines and come on a separate page, which might also include an appendix with graphs, charts and/or examples.
- Abstracts must be written in Portuguese or English.
- Oral presentation: Abstracts will only be accepted if they are authored by students and researchers without a PhD. Abstracts including authors/co-authors who already have a PhD will be automatically excluded. Abstracts that do not comply with the established submission guidelines will be automatically excluded.
- Poster: Only abstracts authored or co-authored by undergraduate researchers/students will be accepted. Abstracts that include authors or co-authors with master’s and/or doctoral degrees will be automatically excluded. Abstracts that do not comply with the established submission guidelines will be automatically excluded.
Posters need to be A1 size and must be in Portuguese or English. They will be shown at the XIX Forum for Linguistic Sharing on onsite. Attendees can talk to the authors at a specific poster time slot. At least one author must register, be present, and show the poster.
Oral presentations
Abstracts accepted for oral presentation will be assigned 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion.
All submitted abstracts will be evaluated by a scientific committee composed of experts with a PhD in the field.
- Abstracts will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Robustness of the theoretical framework;
- Adequacy of the methodology;
- Relevance and originality;
- Clarity of the text;
- Quality of argumentation;
- Adequacy of bibliographical references.
Registration fee
All authors (co-authors not included) with selected abstracts must register for the event. At the time of registration, they must pay a 15 EUR registration fee. CLUNL researchers and NOVA FCSH students are exempt from this fee.
There is no registration fee for undergraduate students who are selected for poster presentations.
Important dates
Deadline for abstract submission: December 27, 2024
For more information, please contact us: jiclunl@fcsh.unl.pt